2023 불가리아 소피아 인쇄&광고커뮤니케이션 전시회 [COPI'S]
2023.10.30 00:00
개최기간 | 2023.10 ~ 일정미정 |
개최국가 | 불가리아 |
개최장소 | International Expo Center 불가리아, 소피아 |
개최규모 | 2500sqm(㎡) 0.3025 평 |
산업분야 | 기타 |
전시품목 | Printing and Advertisement |
주최기관 | АSК advertising and PR services |
담당자 | |
전화 | 359 2 9655 238 |
팩스 | |
이메일 | vvekova@iec.bg |
홈페이지 | https://copi-s.com |
Every year COPIS brings together the professionals in the field of production and marketing of printed, illuminated, outdoor and souvenir advertising. As an important forum for the development of the print and advertising industry COPIS annually attracts an increasing number of specialists from Bulgaria and the surrounding coutries.
The exhibition organizers provide a professional platform to demonstrate the latest technological developments in the field of printing and the textile printing boom and the impact on the textile industry and interior furnishings, digitalization and management processes it had in the graphics industry and the integration of digital printing in the marketing mix.
The latest trends, news and technologies are presneted in the following categories: Graphic design, Advertising Space Design, Digital printing (wide and narrow format), Printing and Publishing Houses, Printing materials and consumables, Print and business management software, full range of Advertising services, Advertising Photography, Visual Communications, Sign Making, P.O.S. Displays, Innovative arts, Promotional souvenirs and gifts, Office supplies and gadgets, Advertising textile, Textile print and garment decorations.
2023 불가리아 소피아 인쇄&광고커뮤니케이션 전시회 [COPI'S] 전시회 The exhibition organizers provide a professional platform to demonstrate the latest technological developments in the field of printing and the textile printing boom and the impact on the textile industry and interior furnishings, digitalization and management processes it had in the graphics industry and the integration of digital printing in the marketing mix.
The latest trends, news and technologies are presneted in the following categories: Graphic design, Advertising Space Design, Digital printing (wide and narrow format), Printing and Publishing Houses, Printing materials and consumables, Print and business management software, full range of Advertising services, Advertising Photography, Visual Communications, Sign Making, P.O.S. Displays, Innovative arts, Promotional souvenirs and gifts, Office supplies and gadgets, Advertising textile, Textile print and garment decorations.
SMS 문의
★ 본 전시회는 주최측의 사정에 따라 개최일자 또는 개최 여부가 변동될 수 있으므로 전시회 참가 및 참관 전 반드시 주최자 또는 전시장으로 사전문의 바랍니다.
최근 년도별 참가국수, 참가업체수(전체), 참가업체수(외국)
년도 | 참가국수 | 참가업체수(전체) | 참가업체수(외국) |
2022 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2021 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2020 | 11 | 0 | 0 |
최근 년도별 참가객수(단위:백명)
년도 | 참가객수(단위:백명) |
2022 | 0.0 |
2021 | 0.0 |
2020 | 60.0 |
본 전시회는 주최측의 사정에 따라 개최일자 또는 개최여부가 변경 될 수 있으므로 전시회 참가 및 참관전에 반드시 주최자에게 사전 문의 를 하시기 바랍니다. KOTRA 및 클럽리치투어 주식회사는 글로벌 전시포털에 기재된 정보로 인한 직,간접적인 피해에 대해 책임지지 않음 을 알려 드립니다.
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