2024 독일 베를린 IT 의학 전시회 [DMEA]
정보통신기술IT&SW, 의료&제약
04.09 00:00
개최기간 | 2024.04.09 ~ 2024.04.11 |
개최국가 | 독일 |
개최장소 | Berlin ExpoCenter City 독일, 베를린 |
개최규모 | 11000sqm(㎡) 0.3025 평 |
산업분야 | 정보통신기술IT&SW, 의료&제약 |
전시품목 | ★ 의료 관련 컴퓨터 하드웨어, 관련 서비스, 전문서적, 연구개발, 의료정보시스템, 커뮤티케이션 기술, 실험실 기술, 네트워크, 소프트웨어 기술 등 ★ Main product group Software, Information Systems, IT Services, Communication Systems, Communication Technology, Data Transmission, Net Work, Hospital Management, Hospital Equipment, Hospital Supplies, Surgery Supplies, Surgery Equipment, Laboratory Technology, Out-Patient Care, Telematics, Archive Systems, Dictating Machines, Technical Medical Equipment, Mobile Apps, Security Systems, Data Protection, Computer Hardware, Computer Integration, Computer Technology, Telecommunication, Consulting, Research and Development, Supplementary Education |
주최기관 | Messe Berlin GmbH |
담당자 | Project team |
전화 | +49 30 3038-2225 |
팩스 | +49 30 3038-2226 |
이메일 | dmea@messe-berlin.de |
홈페이지 | http://www.dmea.de/ |
매년 독일 베를린에서 개최되는 디지털 헬스케어 전문 전시회
The DMEA (Digital Medicine Expertise & Applications) is a major trade fair that focuses on digital solutions and innovations in healthcare. It takes place annually at the Messe Berlin. The fair has its roots in conhIT (Connecting Healthcare IT), which was launched in 2008 and has increasingly developed into an international platform for digital healthcare solutions. In 2019, the event was renamed DMEA to reflect the changing requirements of the healthcare market and the growing importance of digitization. Today, “DMEA Connecting Digital Health” is aimed at trade visitors from the fields of medicine, care, health IT, politics, and science and provides a platform for the exchange of information, experiences, and best practices.
2024 독일 베를린 IT 의학 전시회 [DMEA] 전시회 The DMEA (Digital Medicine Expertise & Applications) is a major trade fair that focuses on digital solutions and innovations in healthcare. It takes place annually at the Messe Berlin. The fair has its roots in conhIT (Connecting Healthcare IT), which was launched in 2008 and has increasingly developed into an international platform for digital healthcare solutions. In 2019, the event was renamed DMEA to reflect the changing requirements of the healthcare market and the growing importance of digitization. Today, “DMEA Connecting Digital Health” is aimed at trade visitors from the fields of medicine, care, health IT, politics, and science and provides a platform for the exchange of information, experiences, and best practices.
SMS 문의
★ 본 전시회는 주최측의 사정에 따라 개최일자 또는 개최 여부가 변동될 수 있으므로 전시회 참가 및 참관 전 반드시 주최자 또는 전시장으로 사전 문의 바랍니다.- 2022년 참가 성과 정보
최근 년도별 참가국수, 참가업체수(전체), 참가업체수(외국)
년도 | 참가국수 | 참가업체수(전체) | 참가업체수(외국) |
2023 | 17 | 517 | 104 |
2022 | 17 | 500 | 200 |
2021 | 18 | 577 | 123 |
최근 년도별 참가객수(단위:백명)
년도 | 참가객수(단위:백명) |
2023 | 112.0 |
2022 | 0.0 |
2021 | 100.38 |
본 전시회는 주최측의 사정에 따라 개최일자 또는 개최여부가 변경 될 수 있으므로 전시회 참가 및 참관전에 반드시 주최자에게 사전 문의 를 하시기 바랍니다. KOTRA 및 클럽리치투어 주식회사는 글로벌 전시포털에 기재된 정보로 인한 직,간접적인 피해에 대해 책임지지 않음 을 알려 드립니다.
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